‘Mystery Shopping’ and ‘Shadowing’ as Methods of Cultural Studies

  • Michał Mękarski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Keywords: cultural research; methods of social research; mystery shopping; observation; shadowing


Our postmodern surrounding is forcing scientists to look for unconventional research methods that go beyond the commonly used measuring tools. The author presents possibilities of two different methods, which are derived from one methodological branch—ethnography, more precisely, one of the most typical methods of the scientific tradition which is observation. These are ‘mystery shopping’ and ‘shadowing.’ Starting with the primary role of observation in research and in science generally, the author shows the most important characteristics of both methods— their advantages and difficulties they brings. Researches done by “Regional Cultural Observatory” Adam Mickiewicz’s University show their practical application and the need to find new research tools that are designed to improve activity of cultural institutions.

This publication is an attempt to reflect on whether or not to include ‘mystery shopping’ and ‘shadowing’ to the range of methods by examining local cultural and education leaders improving the quality of service in the institutions involved in the field of culture?

Presented (relatively new) methods, based on different types of scientific observation, seem to be interesting, since using of their advantages in the study of culture can bring quaint results. Dynamically changing environment forces the constant search for new and effective methods and comprehensive data demonstrating a wide field of influence of different factors. These two methods open up great opportunities to generate them, and consequently enhance research in the field of culture.


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