Dawne malarstwo wciąż odkrywane - wielkie wystawy mistrzów niderlandzkich w europejskich muzeach. Przegląd wybranych publikacji katalogowych ostatniego dziesięciolecia

  • Małgorzata Żak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: Early Netherlandish painting, art, exhibitions, artistic impact


Balicki J., Bogucka M.: Historia Holandii. Wrocław Warszawa Kraków Gdańsk: Ossolineum 1989.

Canfield G.B.: The Reception of Flemish Art in Renaissance Florence and Naples. W: Petrus Christus in Renaissance Bruges. An Interdisciplinary Aproach. Ed. by Maryan W. Ainsworth. Turnhout 1995 s. 35-42

De eeuw van Van Eyck. De Vlaamse Primitieven en het Zuiden 1430-1530, exhib. cat., Brugia, Groeningemuseum, van 15 maart tot 30 juni 2002. ed. Till-Holger Borchert. Gent-Amsterdam: Ludion 2002

Kasl R.: Long-Distance Relations: Castilian Patrons, Flemish Artists and Expatriate Agents in the Fifteenth Century. “Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten” Antwerpen 2001 s. 87-93

Kemperdick S., Sander J. (eds.): Der Meister von Flémalle und Rogier van der Weyden. Mit Beiträgen von Bastian Eclercy, Stephan Kemperdick, Peter Klein, Antje-Fee Köllermann und Jochen Sander. (kat. wyst) Städel Museum Frankfurt am Main November 21. 2008 – February 22. 2009. Gemäldegalerie der Staatlichen Museen Berlin March 20. – June 21. 2009. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag 2009.

Le Maître au Feuillage brodé. Démarches d’artistes et méthodes d’attribution d’oeuvres a un peintre anonyme des anciens Pays-Bas du XVe siècle, Colloque organise par le Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille les 23 et 24 juin 2005, ed. Florence Gombert, Didier Martens. Lille: Librairie des Musées 2007.

Memling and the Art of Portraiture, Till-Holger Borchert, with contributions by Maryan W. Ainsworth, Lorne Campbell, Paula Nuttall, (transl. from the German K. Lohse Belkin, Ted Alkins). London: Thames and Hudson 2005.

Nuttall P.: From Flanders to Florence. The Impact of Netherlandish Painting 1400-1500. Yale University New Haven London 2004.

Panofsky E.: Early Netherlandish Painting: its Origin and Character. Cambridge 1953.

Rogier van der Weyden 1400- 1464 Master of Passions. Exhib. cat. 20 September – 6 December 2009. M, Leuven. eds. L. Campbell, J. van der Stock. Zwolle. Waanders Publishers. Leuven, Davidsfonds 2009.

Rohlmann M.: Flanders and Italy, Flanders and Florence. Early Netherlandish painting in Italy and its particular influence on Florentine art: an overview. W: Italy and the Low Countries – Artistic relations. The fifteenth century. Proceeding of the symposium held at Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht 14 March 1994. ed. V.M. Schmidt, G.J. van der Sman, M. Vecchi. Florence 1999 s. 39-67.

Van Eyck bis Dürer. Altniederländische Meister und die Malerei in Mittelaeuropa 1430-1530. Till-Holger Borchert, exhib. cat. Brugge Groeningemuseum 29 October 2010 – 30 Januar 2011. Stuttagrt: Belser 2010.

Ziemba A.: Sztuka Burgundii i Niderlandów 1380-1500. T. I. Sztuka dworu burgundzkiego oraz miast niderlandzkich. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa UW 2008.

Materials and Reports