Activities of Cultural Centres During the Covid-19 Epidemic in Poland

Keywords: cultural centres, COVID-19 epidemic in Poland, coronavirus, culture on the Internet, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Poland


In connection with the measures taken to stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Poland, from March 2020 the activity of cultural centres was periodically frozen. From the very beginning it caused challenges of various natures, especially financial ones. The inability to organise commercial events has forced many institutions to look for alternative sources of income. Above all, however, the epidemic called into question the possibility of carrying out the statutory activities of cultural institutions. This paper discusses new contexts of this activity, which boiled down to cancelling or suspending events and classes, transferring activities to the Internet, undertaking interactive communication with recipients, reorganising intramural work, and finally actively joining the fight against coronavirus. The stage of lifting the restrictions caused by the epidemic made it possible to gradually resume the activities of the cultural institutions, and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has published guidelines for their further operation. The experiences of the first period of the epidemic may be a lesson for the future that could be used by those responsible for cultural institutions.


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