Modlitewniki z kręgu sióstr posłanniczek

  • Roland Prejs Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: Posłanniczki Serca Jezusowego; modlitewniki; wychowanie chrześcijańskie


This paper analyses two prayer books, authored by two Sisters Couriers of Christ’s Sacred Heart: Józefa Chudzyńska (1836-1914) and Cecylia Plater-Zyberk (1853-1920). The prayer book by Chudzyńska was entitled Preparation for Confession and Easter Holy Communion – A Three-day Retreat for Youth [...] in the Form of a Private Conversation. The latter book was entitled Catholic Life. A Book for Prayer and Contemplation in Two Parts. Both books used Catholic religion as their background – with its emphasis on Gospel, Catechism and liturgy – in order to create a new model of a Catholic woman: a good wife and mother, a careful housekeeper, an open neighbour and a person who performs duly all the duties of her state out of her Catholic inspiration.
