Author’s Response to Contributors
The text represents the author’s responses to the contributors who have addressed issues in my 2015 book, Aquinas’s Way to God: The Proof in De Ente et Essentia, published by Oxford University Press.
Aquinas. 1926. Summa Theologiae. Turin: Marietti.
Aquinas. 1927. Quaestiones Disputatae et Quaestiones Duodecim Quodlibetales. Turin: Marietti.
Aquinas. 1952. In Aristotelis Libros De Caelo et Mundo. Turin: Marietti.
Aquinas. 1962. Tractatus De Substantis Separatis. West Hartford: St Joseph College.
Aquinas. 1992. Super Boethium De Trinitate et Expositio Libri Boethii de Ebdomadibus. Rome: Commissio Leonina.
Burrell, David, C.S.C. 2019. “Gaven Kerr, O.P., on Creation with Its Philosophical Corollaries.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 145–146.
Kerr, Gaven. 2015. Aquinas’s Way to God: The Proof in De Ente et Essentia. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, Gaven. 2019. Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Creation New York: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, Gaven. 2015. “Thomist Esse and Analytical Philosophy.” International Philosophical Quarterly, 55, 1: 25–48.
Klima, Gyula. 2007. Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary (Wiley-Blackwell).
Klima, Gyula. 2019. “Aquinas’s Real Distinction and Its Role in a Causal Proof of God’s Existence.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 7–26.
Knasas, John F.X. 2019. “The Analytical Thomist and the Paradoxical Aquinas: Some Reflections on Kerr’s Aquinas’s Way to God.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 71–88.
Maryniarczyk, Andrzej, S.D.B. 2019. “‘Parvus error in principio magnus est in fine’: Thomas Aquinas’s Reinterpretation of the Understanding of Being and Essence as the Basis for the Discovery of the First Cause as Ipsum Esse.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 27–51.
O’Grady, Paul. 2019. “Existence and Wisdom.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 105–116.
Ośko, Krzysztof. 2019. “The Metaphysical Argument for God’s Existence.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 53–69.
Piwowarczyk, Marek. 2019. “Problems with the Inseparability of Esse.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 117–128.
Twetten, David. 2019. “How Save Aquinas’s ‘Intellectus essentiae Argument’ for the Real Distinction between Essence and Esse?’ Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 129–143.
Wojtysiak, Jacek. 2019. “Existence and God: On Aquinas–Kerr’s Metaphysical Argument.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 57, nr 4: 89–104.
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