Between Nitschean Atheism and Kierkegaardian Idealism: On the Basis of Novelty Niels Lyhn by Jens Peter Jacobsen
The article analyses Niels Lyhne, a novel written by the Danish writer Jens Peter Jacobsen. The authoress believes that the novel can be interpreted through the prism of Søren Kierkegaard’s philosophy of despair and melancholy, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy of deicide. She investigates the issue of atheism and contradictions that result from it by, firstly, (1) focusing on arguments proving the weakness of religion and then (2) by discussing arguments supporting atheism that are advanced by the main protagonist in the novel. What draws attention in Niels’s line of thought is, on the one hand, an unambiguous departure from religion and, on the other, adopting naturalism, which is difficult to reconcile with his idealism. Furthermore, (3) the authoress concentrates on Niels’s worldview, pointing out that it is constituted by a metaphysical rebellion, i.e. refusing to accept an ontic status of man, which involves suffering and death. She claims that Niels has not mastered „the art of losing,” which is addressed by Elizabeth Bishop in her poem. (4) In her conclusion, the authoress indicates contradictions in Niels’s line of thought, which undermine coherence and usefulness of his atheistic worldview.
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