Intracellular Electromagnetic Communication as aManifestation of the Nature of Life
The article attempts at describing the recent advances in elucidation of anew aspect of the processes comprising the generation, transmission, receiving, processing, as well as storage of information by the means of various electromagnetic radiation. It is claimed that it is at least as important as the processes of various types of conversions of matter and energy. At the beginning, atheoretical framework for electromagnetic communication inside the living cell has been presented. Secondly, areview of life processes involving electromagnetic processes has been given. Thirdly, apossible role of hydrogen bonds in intracellular communication is dealt with, especially the F.Bistolfi's model of the hydrogen harps. Next, some very hypothetical concepts have been mentioned, as: electromagnetic information transfer between the Bose condensates in biosystems (originally proposed by H.Fröhlich), electromagnetically-mediated interaction between the domains of physical plasma inside the cell etc. Finally, the biophilosophical significance of the knowledge on this closer and closer investigated dimension of the nature of life has been emphasized.
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