Two-spherical Model of the Universe in Aristotle's Cosmology
The second book of Aristotle's On the heavens, dealing with the form of the Cosmos, the motions and the nature of stars, the position and form of the earth, enables us to reconstruct the ideas concerning the origin and evolution of earlier cosmological models. In the paper some aspects of the two-spherical Model of the Universe, which are contained in his cosmology are discussed. First, the overall character of the geocentric system and, especially, the doctrine of the spherical shape of the earth is examined. Next, the two-sphere model, which is considered the greatest achievement of Aristotle in cosmology, is critically dealt with. In discussing these questions, ajuxtapositional strategy is followed. In consists in commenting critically the Aristotle's interpretation of the above model, along with showing alternative interpretations which subsequent historical scholarship has brought to light.
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