Psychological Determinants of Efficient Educational Influence Studies on Pedagogy Students
The paper is focused on the personality determinants of an efficient educational influence. It presents empirical researches designed to verify the following two hypotheses:
1) the relationship between general social maturity of an individual with the effectiveness of educational actions, and 2) to what extent the conditions of a helpful contact are found useful in educational interaction.
The subjects consisted of pedagogy students. 144 subjects were tested by the technique of paired-comparisons method. Thus two groups were selected, each of which contained 30 subjects: A – with high, B – with low, predispositions for an efficient educational influence. These groups were then tested by Gough's CPI questionnaire and KBE scale (constructed by the author and designed to measure the level of congruence, unconditionally positive attitude and empathy). The findings confirmed the initial hypotheses. The high predispositions for an effective educational influence is combined with high scores (more than 5.5 sten) in 11 scales CPI (Do, Cs, Sp, Sa To, Cm, Ai, Ie, Py, Fx, and Te). The strongest correlations occurred between the sense of own value and congruence (pu < 0.01), tolerance and empathy (pu < 0.01); mental efficiency and “positive attitude” (pu < 0.01); and also between the attribute of femininity and empathy (pu < 0.01). The studies allow us to draw a conclusion that at the basis of an effective educational influence there lies a general social maturity of the educator and whether he conforms to the psychological conditions of a helpful contact.
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