Psychological Problems of Elderly People who Get Treatment for Senile Dementia

  • Maria B. Pacyna


The dynamics of psychic traits was examined (by means of: CPI, 16 PF, ACL-37, MMPI-WISKAD and the author's Information Questionnaire) in elderly people who get treatment due to senile dementia in the initial stage and advanced stage.

As a result of comparative analyses we could state that the level of feeling one's own dementia is affected by the following psychological variables: psychic sensitivity, high originality in the manner of conduct and low intelligence, the need for change, tolerance, sense of self-esteem, a willingness to be accepted and the need for perseverance.

To treat elderly people diagnosed with senile dementia we must combine pharmacological therapy with an active intensive psychotherapy, taking into account the structures of personality that have been altered by the disease.


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