Social Adjustment of Persons with a Different Level of Altruism

  • Jacek Śliwak


The paper is a report on the empirical research dealing with the relationship between the level of altruism and social adjustment. Altruism is defined here as a voluntary behaviour in which a person does not expect any external awards and yet acts on behalf of other people. Such behaviour constitutes a value in itself for that person.

The following methods were used in the research: A-N Questionnaire to measure the tensity of altruism ⟨cf. Śliwak 1996a, 1996b⟩ and the California Personality Inventory (CPI) to assess the level of social adjustment.

By means of the above methods we sought to answer the following questions:
1. Are there statistically essential differences in the dimensions (scales) of social adjustment between altruists and the group with a lower level of altruism? 2. Is there a specific social adjustment profile in any of the groups in question?
160 subjects were examined (48.0% of women and 52.0% of men) the age-range was 22-36 (mean M − 27 years). 66.2% of secondary school graduates and 33.8% of university graduates were examined.
The following results have been attained:
1. The 10 scales of social adjustment yielded statistically essential differences between particular groups. They are the following: social ease, good mood, socialization, self-control, tolerance, a willingness to be accepted, success before conformism, success through independence and intellectual capacities.
2. In the altruistic group the scores of 12 scales are placed below the mean (5.5 sten), yet 6 scales are below the mean. The group with the lowest level of altruism in 7 scales gained scores higher than the mean, and in 11 scales lower scores.
3. The persons with a lower level of altruism proved worse adjusted in relation to the altruistic persons.
The scores have proved that there is a relationship between the level of altruism and social adjustment.


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