Explanation and Prediction in Bioelectronics
The author presents a philosophical analysis of bioelectronics in aspects of its scientific aims and functions, i.e explanation and prediction. Bioelectronics is considered a border-line branch of natural sciences, and may be defined as the area of the applications of methods and concepts of the physical and applied electronics to living systems. The research work in this area has a horizontal and developing structure of explanations which runs from the basic good corroborated coexistential and statistic levels to the higher ones. Although explanations on these latter levels involve many models and hypotheses (what is typical for the new and developing sciences), they present a higher epistemological and logical standard, as bioelectronics explains life fenomena on the lowest existence level of biosystems. Bioelectronics abounds with prognostic suggestions pertaining both to empirical tests in itself and in other sciences.
Copyright (c) 1996 Roczniki Filozoficzne

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