Philosophical Aspects of Enzymatic Catalysis
Two formulations of the philosophical analysis of living phenomena have been presented. First of them is the classical analysis (i. e. Aristotelian-Thomist's one) done by P. Lenartowicz and the other one has been done by the present author. The latter is carried out from the point of view of the philosophy of systems and information. Both analyses attempted to elucidate the essence of the enzymatic catalysis. The following problems have been reviewed and discussed: (i) the role of enzymes in epigenesis and integration coming into effect on the molecular level of the life organization; (ii) the relation between the knowledge on enzymes and the philosophical problems of the essence and origin of life; (iii) information as the essence of the universe and life; (iv) enzymes as the processors of mass, energy, and information; (v) the genesis of life as the information process and the catalytic properties of some ribonucleic acids. In the result of the analyses, it has been concluded that the system-information philosophy is more adequate than the classical one. In the context of the empirical data, as well as the theoretical concepts, mainly of F. -A. Popp and T. Stonier, it has been hypothesized that: (i) life should be regarded as the form of the information transferred on the electromagnetic carrier; (ii) macromolecular catalysts as cavity resonators of the coherent photon field were probably the primordial minimal living systems; (iii) life might spread itself by inducing the catalytic processes and controlling them as to reorganize the systems of fermions-bosons-infons in the autonomous systems containing more infons and bosons; (iv) the existence of the "organisms" which process only information and energy is possible.
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