Understanding of Particular Quantifier and the Subject-matter of Formal Logic
The problematic subject-matter of formal logic is nowadays often discussed within the scope of the philosophy of logic. This paper consists of three parts. In the first part, the question discussed concerns the understanding of the formula first-order predicate calculi including particular quantifiers. In the second section, the affair accounts between the existential interpreting of particular quantifiers and ontological commintments is considered the language of formal logic. In the last portion, the main topic of investigation concentrates on the relation between the interpteting of the existential quantifier and subject-matter concerning our discipline. Throughout the particular analysis of the formula first-order predicate calculi, the author justifies that there is an interrelation between classical positions in the questions and subject-matter of formal logic and the discussed interpretations of the quantifier. And so, logical nominalism corelates with substitutional interpreting and logical realism with objectional interpreting. Interpreting proposed by G. Küng describes Leśniewski̓s quantification in terms of extensional meaning with logical idealism. Finally, my assumptions ascertain that the above mentioned categories of logical nominalism, realism and idealism are fluid and not primal in relation to the adjudicates within the scope of the general theory of being.
Copyright (c) 1996 Roczniki Filozoficzne

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