The Troubles with Essence. On Some Essential and Non-essential Concepts of "Essence" (with Reference to Rev. Jan Salamucha)

  • Jacek J. Jadacki


The author considers three groups of concepts of essence, defines them in the modified language of functional calculus and classes calculus, points out connections between them, analy­ses their difficulties and presents the concepts derived from "essence".

These groups are as follows:
1. Three non-essential concepts of "essence" (found in works by Arystoteles, M. A. Krąpiec, T. Czeżowski, A. B. Stępień), i.e.:
(i) essence as any property of the object:
xI (I is the essence of x ≡ I x);
(ii) essence as the necessary property of the object:
xI is the essence of x ≡ ∧ y [(x = y) → Iy] ;
(iii) essence as all properties of the object:
xI I is the essence of x ≡ ∧ P [Px ≡ (PI) .
2. One more essential concept of "essence" (Rev. J. Salamucha, and also: Arystoteles, St. Thomas Aquinas, K. Ajdukiewicz, A. B. Stępień), i.e. essence as the property «common» to all object of the given group (and only to these objects):
xI I is the essence of x as Z ≡ [(xZ) →/← Ix] .
3. Two the most essential concepts of "essence" (K. Ajdukiewicz, T. Kotarbiński), i.e.:
(i) the simple essence as a «common» and «characteristic» property (see 2.), from which the other important («characteristic») properties result:
xIZI is the simple essence of x as Z ≡ [(xZIx] ∧ yPW [yZ) → Pwy] → (IyPWy) ⟩;
(ii) the complex essence as the constitutive intension of a name:
xIZPQI is the complex essence of x as Z ≡ [(xZ) ≡ Ix] ∼ ∨ PQ {[Q = (I − P)] → ∧ y [(yZQy] ⟩.
