Assessment of Childhood Depression: a Review of Measurement Methods

  • Maria Oleś


The article deals with the problems of measurement of childhood depression, and contains description and critical evaluation of several methods developed for that aim. The methods are presented in three groups: 1. Self-ratings scales, like Depression Self-Rating Scale ⟨DSRS; Birleson 1981⟩, Children's Depression Inventory ⟨CDI; Kovacs 1980/81⟩, Children's Depression Scale ⟨CDS; Lang, Tisher 1978⟩, The Hopelessness Scale for Children ⟨HPLS; Kazdin et al. 1983⟩. 2.Clinical scales based on standarized interview and observation of the child, like Children's Depression Rating Scale ⟨CDRS; Poznanski, Cook, Carroll 1979⟩, and CDSR-R ⟨Poznanski et al. 1984⟩, Bellevue Index of Depression ⟨BID; Petti 1978⟩. 3. Scales for the assessment by others, e. g. peers, parents or teachers, like Peer Nomination Inventory of Depression ⟨PNID; Lefkowitz, Tesiny 1980⟩. The possibilities of Polish adaptations of the methods are pointed out.


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