Midlife Crisis and Coping with Stress in Men

  • Piotr Oleś


Midlife crisis (MLC) refers to process of intensive transition of the self dealing with reinterpretation of time perspective, confrontation with limitedness of life, and reevaluation of goals, plans and life values. The main question of the study is: What are the relationships between MLC and coping with stress? A hypothesis postulates a positive relationship between MLC and emotion-focus strategies of coping and a negative between MLC and problem-focuss strategies. A sample of 144 men (34-46) answered the Midlife Crisis Questionnaire (MCQ), and revised version of Ways of Coping Checlist. The MCQ contains three relatively independent dimensions: Intensity of the crisis focused on changing self-concept (IMC); Psychological maturity defined as organization of one's efforts around important life tasks including generativity (PSM); and Acceptance of fate and death (AFD). The relationship between MLC and emotion-focus strategy of coping was confirmed. Moreover, two patterns of mutual relationships were detected by means of canonical analysis. The first combines high IMC and low PSM with high use of emotion-focus and low use of problem-focus strategies (CR1=0, 69, p⟨0,001). The second combines high IMC and high PSM with high use of both, emotion-focus and problem-focus strategies (CR2=0, 39, p<0, 001). This latter pattern suggests flexibility of coping in men who are more mature. Another possibility is, that men higher in PSM perceive the changes typical for middle age as challenges, thus they use various strategies of coping, while those who are lower in PSM perceive such changes as threats or loses, thus they use emotion-focus strategies. The results are discussed in reference to adaptive versus disadaptive coping with the problems of midlife.


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