Constructing the Models in Cosmology and Natural Sciences
In the article one discusses the present situation in natural sciences. It is pointed, that at least any of difficulties and problems of separate sciences may follow the fact, that many of occurrances and data we are finding, do have their roots in areas beyond the borders of our knowledge. In the context of rationalization the recognition, it is desired to find main dependences and directions of the process of future sciences' evolution.
The branch of the science in which such facts manifest particulary is theoretical cosmology. In this article one discusses the situation signed above towards the experiences from the field of constructing cosmological models of the Universe. One shows how any possible formally schemes can be used for solving main problems of the standard (Big-Bang) cosmology. The examples of serial and stochastic models are also presented.
In the article it is pointed that filling the formally schemes' symbols and operators by the physical content is possible. It means, that all these theories, together with approppriate assumptions are then full physically character and may be verified in an empirical way. The good example of such verifying may be inflationary models, which, as it is shown, are the serial models of the ordinary type.
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