The Problem of Stress, Crisis, and Coping
The paper presents essential points of stress and coping theory as well as overview of empirical findings dealing with coping. The relationship between stress theory by Lazarus and crisis theory by Caplan are clarified. Coping is differentiated from defence mechanisms. An individual style of coping is introduced as dependent on type of stressor (loss, threat, challenge), personality traits, environmental factors like social support, and situational context. Three interpretations of coping-age relation are briefly presented: developmental, contextual, and socio-cultural. The problem of adaptive versus disadaptive coping is discussed. Recent propositions concerning religious coping are introduced. The process of meaning giving for stressful or crisis situation and for personal efforts to cope with it is proposed as different from cognitive appraisal. Existential or religious meanings could increase the chances of successful coping or crisis resolution and may result in long term positive outcomes: psychological and spiritual. Some further propositions of researches dealing with coping are pointed out.
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