Endler’s Multidimensional Scales of Anxiety (EMAS)
The paper depicts Endler’s multidimensional scales of anxiety (EMAS). On designing the method the author based himself on the interaction model of personality in which anxiety is taken to mean the resultant of the interaction of personality and situational variables. Endler distinguishes the state and trait of anxiety, and assumes that they are multidimensional constructs. EMAS consists of three independent scales.
EMAS-State (EMAS-S) is used to measure the state of anxiety and consists of 20 items which grasp two components of anxiety, i.e. autonomic-emotional and cognitive (cognitive-worry). EMAS-Trait (EMAS-C) is designed to measure the trait of anxiety. It consists of 60 items which encompass the individual’s predispositions to live anxiety in four different situations: social evaluation, physical danger, unclear-new situation and in everyday life situation. EMAS-Perception (EMAS-P) grasps anxiety reaction in the situation of testing.
Preliminary researches by means of the Polish version of the scale EMAS-C point at its diagnostic character and clinical suitability. One postulates further standardized studies of this original tool for the examination of the psychological aspects of anxiety.
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