A Psychological Analysis of Jealousy. An Intercultural Study
The authors tested the hypothesis that the structure of jealousy in American (US), German (D) and Polish (PL) samples will be alike and that Poles will reveal stronger jealousy for sexual partner than USA and D subjects.
The procrusted analysis of the data collected by means of Hupka’s Interpersonal Questionnaire from 170 Pl, 78 D, and 207 US subjects showed four common factors for the three groups: Danger for partner’s exclusiveness, Dependency, Aversion to partner’s autonomy, and Self-deprication and Envy.
The Polish Ss appeared more jealous than US and D subjects in all dimensions and additionally US subjects revealed stronger aversion to partner’s autonomy than D sample.
The authors interpret the PL, D, and US discrepancies by reffering to the characteristics of the Polish tradition and values, ties to the demanding catholic religion, high evaluation of family and national dignity.
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