An Analysies of the Problems Experienced by Maladjusted Adolescents
This paper is a part of a written book To Understand the Handicap Problems, based on a research of young people in thirteen categories of handicap.
The scientific problem of this paper is: intensity, conditioning (variables) and content of common and specific handicap problems of maladjusted adolescents, in the spheres: personal, family, social and occupational.
Used techniques: Handicap Problems Inventory (HPI) by G. N. Wright and H. H. Remmers (in Polish version prepared by T. Witkowski) and Individual Card for the Handicapped (KI) by T. Witkowski. The research were conducted with 60 socially maladjusted - men and women. The analyses were made in whole group and in subgroups of sex.
As a result we found high intensity of the problems, specially in the subgroup of women. The intensity of the problems is essentially higher in the subgroups of women than men.
Some variables reveal essential correlations with the problems intensity of maladjusted men or women.
The content of the problems made us know, that a part of the maladjustment problems are common and the most of them are specific to the maladjusted group.
The results can be applied to a practice, specially to socialization process.
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