W. Sedlak's Idea of the Chemical-Electronic Coupling in Organisms
The critical discussion on the possible existence of the coupling between biochemical reactions and electronic processes in biological solids is undertaken in connection with the concept of bioplasma and the electromagnetic theory of life. Firstly, a review of more important denotations of the term "coupling" in various disciplines: cybernetics, physics, genetics, biochemistry, thermodynamics, etc. is made. Secondly, a review of related terms with the same designation: quantum seam of life, quantum generator of physical plasma, quantum of life, the least unit of life, quantum pacemaker, quantum junction of life, biological quantum amplifier, etc. has been given. Thirdly, properties, origins, and functions of the chemical-electronic coupling have been discussed. New terms as "photonic microprocessor" and "optoelectronic microrobot" have also been proposed.
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