Justification for Christian Beliefs: Peter van Inwagen and Fundamental Theology
The article is focused on Theological Philosophy constructed by Peter van Inwagen and modern Fundamental Theology which has been cultivated at KUL. Both disciplines try to present reasonable justification for Christian fundamental convictions. P. van Inwagen − specially in his book God, Knowledge, and Mystery: Essays in Philosophical Theology − knowing well modern philosophy and the mentality of people living today tries to legitimate the main Christian beliefs. He writes about how Christians can justify the existence of personal God, he legitimates the authority of the Bible (which is questionable according to some scientific theories) and he defends the specific position of the Christian Church among other religions. In conclusion he suggests that Christian beliefs are not certain for non-Christians but it does not mean that they are not reasonable and acceptable. Fundamental Theology cultivated at KUL is very similiar to P. van Inwagen's project in some points. But in some other aspects his position should be deepened.
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