The Category of Genesis in Protobiology − Bioelectronic Aspect
Protobiology as a science about the origin of life is based on the idea of chemical evolution. The bioelectronics conception, however, that life is a form of electromagnetic information suggests that it is not „chemical evolution” but „evolution of information” that can be accepted as a more basic one. The paper sought to develop, within the context of biosystemogenesis, the idea of a chemical-electronic coupling in organisms (the so-called quantum seam of life).
The „quantum seam of life” is a thermodynamically optimal and open quantum system in which chemical and electronic process come about. It exists owing to electromagnetic information and manifests self-synchronization, metastable energetic state, and constant properties independent of evolution. From the point of view of the electromagnetic conception of the nature of life, the category of genesis (i.e. the genesis of life or biosystems) may be understood in a broader manner than it has been done up to now. First of all, it can be understood as electromagnetic biosystemogenesis. The life of earth would originate in information whose bearer was the electromagnetic field. Philosophical implications of this statement are discussed in the paper.
It is suggested that nanotechnology and quantum optoelectronics may provide new possibilities of how to empirically test electromagnetic biosystemogenesis and the idea of the evolution of information. The significance of the concept of genesis may be of key importance for the models suggesting new, more adequate scenarios of the processes of the origin of life.
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