On the Genesis of Information
In our limes there are distinguished several kinds of information, among them the following should be listed:
1) intellectual information − which is generated in human brain and oriented towards social use,
2) biological and cybernetic information − which is carried by specific signals and received by living organisms or technical devices,
3) cosmic information − which, as a fundamental element, together with mass and energy, constitues reality; an elementary unit of this kind of information is named an infon.
The following axioms are accepted:
a) An infon is a photon with an infinite wave-length.
b) A photon is an infon moving with the light speed.
c) When this velocity differs from the light speed, an energy quantum transforms into an information quantum, i.e. into an infon.
4) Owing to gathered data we can expect „information” to evolve towards becoming aphilosophical category because it begins to function as „a medium of understanding” when philosophical problems are taken into consideration and worked-out.
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