Metaphysics of Generation: Aristotle and Whitehead
The aim of the paper is to provide a systematic metaphysical account of the conceptions of generation of a individual being proposed by Aristotle and Whitehead, which are commonly regarded as radically opposite. The results are presented in diagrams 1 and 2 respectively. Principles or causes present in the diagrams make system of correlates – I try to show the way of its construction in both cases and possible transformations leading to alternative standpoints. It may be of some interest that with the help of these diagrams several basic metaphysical positions can be distinguished and compared. It appears that both systems do not differ significantly with respect to their structure: their respective components are mutually related in the same way. Essential difference lies in the conceptions of matter in both systems. I claim that different relations of matter to other components in the diagram 1 boil down to essential characteristic of matter as spatio-temporality or extensiveness in general (diagram 3). Whiteheadian matter in its turn consists of qualities – this corresponds with phenomenological notion of matter. In the end I raise a question of possible dependence between momental conception of existence and discrete conception of time.
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