Is Naturalism Legitimate?
Naturalism that I deal with is an approach towards the world, the man and the possibilities and methods of learning about the world. It maintains that there is an existential continuity of reality and this is a continuity of nature and not of other spheres of existence.
A view formulated in this way silently accepts the assumptions of ontological realism and epistemological realism. Hence it becomes part of the ontological paradigm of philosophy. After Kant, that is after mentalistic (transcendentalistic) paradigm in philosophy came into being, the legitimacy of the ontological way of philosophising cannot be maintained. Is then naturalism – that at present experiences another revival – only a misunderstanding? Well, no. The limits of its validity – but not legitimacy – are set by science. Within its area it is obvious and useful, perhaps even indispensable. It is a type of unrealised research attitude by whose virtue a scientist treats the object of his studies as autonomously existing and one that can be objectively cognised. However, here he is supported not by theoretical arguments, but first of all by pragmatic and psychological-social ones.
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