On the Possibility of Recognition of Miracles Today
1. Given the God of creation and providence, as described in the classical theistic metaphysics, miracles (unusual events that are result of direct divine modification of the natural order) are possible. But given the God of deism or process theism, one might deny that such a being can produce miraculous events.
2. Contemporary theologians, using concepts of hermeneutical or existentialistical philosophies, prefer the definition of miracle that is quite near to that one of Augustine: when God acts in exceptional manner, for our instruction and admonition, we call it a miracle. There are two aspects to miracles as conceived in accordance with this definition: that of the „sign” (it is a divine means of instruction or assistance) and that of „wonder” (it is an exception to the normal course of events).
3. From D. Hume onwards philosophers have been discussing a number of questions related to our ability to recognize miraculous events. The most significant question of that sort seems to be: are there imaginable conditions under which all rational persons would be compelled to recognize that God has directly intervened? For many philosophers the answer must be negative. Some of them (e.g. R. A. H. Larmer, R. Swinburne), however, believe that an affirmative response is required. There are cases, they argue, at which those who already believe in God would have strong evidence supporting supernatural causation of a given event, and no evidence for purely natural causation.
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