Intuition and Speculation
The paper deals with the nature of internal experience. The views on this subject appear in I. Kant, J.G. Fichte, E. Husserl, and K. Rahner. The author seeks to prove that internal experience is an intuitive experience in which the subject presents to himself or herself in the so-called intellectual inspection (intellektuelle Anschaung). The subject has the feature of atemporality (nunc status) and is capable of transcending each content while preserving its identity. „Speculation” means reflection: the structure of the person of God is reflected in internal experience. He is semper stans. These views are compared with the standpoint of fourteenth-century mystics (J. Eckhart, J. Tauler, H. Suzo) about the so-called ground of the soul (Seelengrund).
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