The Inferential Function of Theoretical Constructs in Science
The paper has an ordering character with regard to the current discussions on the issue formulated in its title, and it contains of three parts and conclusion. In the first part some standard functions of theoretical constructs have been presented, e.g. laws, hypotheses, and scientific theories. The most representative among them is the projective function (pro- and retro-gnosis) and the explanatory one. In the set of such functions we find also the inferential role, which is presented in the second part of the paper for traditionally comprehended theoretical constructs. The third part focuses on an alternative approach to the theoretical constructs of inference, i.e. inferences that are actually used in research practice. An important role is given to inconclusive forms of inference. Some schemes of heuristic inferences have been given here, a fact that does not belittle the role of formal logic in the theory of reasonings that occur in science.
The methodological position presented in the paper is clearly combined with the epistemological version of scientific realism.
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