From Information towards Wisdom
The contemporary science can be defined in a cybernetic language as a self-organising system. The development of this system is guided and controlled by streams of information items produced by science. At present this development assumes more and more clearly the shape of the evolutionary variability. In its input there are data. Their united sets constitute information items which, owing to their bringing together, form the human knowledge. Integration process of the human knowledge results in the wisdom. In this way the post-industrial science has an evolutionary character coming in a form of a system “from information towards wisdom”.
It is very important to state a simple sum of data not to give any information, and as well a simple sum of information items not to give any knowledge, and then a simple sum of items which constitute knowledge not to give any wisdom. Only the process of integration causes a conversion from a lower level of cognition to its higher one. The essence of this process seems to be inspired by a creative intuition of an explorer-researcher who executes the above mentioned integration.
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