Włodzimierz Sedlak’s Contribution to the Study of the Origin of Life: From Biochemistry of Silicon across Bioelectronics to Theology of Light
The subject of the presentation was to reveal the main components of the views of Rev. Włodzimierz Sedlak (31.10.1911–17.02.1993) concerning the origin of life. The development of these views passed through the following stages: 1) the theory of silicic life forms (1959–1967) which he labeled “the theory of siliconides”, 2) the bioelectronic model of abiogenesis (1967–1988), and 3) speculations about electromagnetic biogenesis.
The basic claims of the theory of silicic life forms are the following: (a) silicon is an essential component of biosystems and fulfils significant roles in phylogenetically older forms of life; (b) the previous essential role of silicon in the organization of life has been reduced in higher organisms to the role of a microelement; (c) the attempts at the reconstruction of the chemical evolution of life should be undertaken, to extend it beyond the organic compounds of carbon, namely to those containing silicon and forming the most primitive forms of life on the Earth; (d) hypothetic silicic organisms made up the most primitive life on the Earth..
The main theses of bioelectronic model of abiogenesis are the following: (a) there exists the coupling between chemical reactions and electronic processes in organisms (he calls it “the quantum seam of life”); photons act as a coupling factor between these two classes of processes; (b) the existence the such coupling makes the generation and duration of the plasma state of particles possible in all metabolizing parts of the organism; (c) there exists bioplasma – a new state of matter – that is characteristic for living organisms only; (d) the first act of the creation of the chemical-electronic coupling is to be regarded as equivalent with biogenesis: (e) bioplasma existed well before the macroscopic organic morphological structures were formed and functioned already when the life was based on aluminosilicates.
Sedlak’s speculation on the electromagnetic biogenesis implies that the evolution of biosphere began with the moment of birth of light, i.e. in one of the earliest phases of existence of Universe. God, identified by him with the Light, created life, possessing the luminous nature. Life never altered its electromagnetic foundation: either at any new stage, or at a new level of organization, or when the first human being was created.
It seems that Sedlak’s works can be valuable for the present and future investigations aimed at the reconstruction of biogenesis. Although they are undervalued now, they should be regarded as containing many valuable intuitions. They deserve a thorough analysis and – where it is possible – empirical testing of implications drawn from them.
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