The Philosophy of Nature and the Philosophy of God

  • Anna Lemańska Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Keywords: the philosophy of nature, the philosophy of God, faith and science


The issues from the domain of the philosophy of nature such as non-necessity of beings, finality in nature, the beginning of the universe, life, human being; and causality in nature call for the existence of a transcendent reality or the absolute being – God. God is a factor which makes the material reality rational. The problem of the existence of God and His relation to the material world is discussed in the philosophy of God. Therefore the philosophy of God is the fulfilment of the philosophy of nature. On the other hand the philosophy of nature can provide some arguments for the existence of God. In this way the philosophy of nature and the philosophy of God are complementary to each another.

Author Biography

Anna Lemańska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw

Prof. Dr Anna Lemańska – Chair of Philosophy of Nature, Institute of Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University


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