The Anti-naturalism of Intelligent Design Theory

  • Kazimierz Jodkowski University of Zielona Góra
Keywords: methodological naturalizm, anti-naturalism, Intelligent Design theory, artificialism, epistemic framework


It is commonly known that the theory of intelligent design is anti-naturalistic. The anti-naturalism of this theory is usually interpreted as a methodological or metaphysical one. In other words, the theory of intelligent design is considered as a kind of creationism (“creationism in a cheap tuxedo”) and is also often named “neo-creationism.” In the paper I am arguing that this qualification is wrong and is implied by assuming an inappropriate sense of the ambiguous term “naturalism”.

Author Biography

Kazimierz Jodkowski, University of Zielona Góra

Prof. Dr. Kazimierz Jodkowski – Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, University of Zielona Góra


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