Formal Logic or Formal Logics?
Apart from putting the theses contained in E. Agazzi’s work Why Is It Logical to Admit Several Logics? in an order and making them more distinct, an attempt is made to draw conclusions from the explicit wordings used by that author. Some theses presented in the text are shown against the views of other authors who discussed analogous problems. In this way, as it seems, modification, completing and elaborating has been possible of wordings that approve of the thesis about the existence of many logics that are contained in the analyzed text.
Among others, the article emphasizes that Agazzi’s pronouncements about relations existing between standard logic and intuitionist logic cannot be accepted. Also, several remarks are made about the so-called many-valued logics. Agazzi’s theses that well constructed non-classical logics representing proper contents are necessary for representatives of various branches of knowledge is acceptable.
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