Remarks on Susan Haack’s Conception of Philosophy of Logic
The aim of the article is to present remarks concerning Susan Haack’s understanding of philosophy of logic. At the beginning, in the form of questions the area of problems tackled by philosophy of logic is indicated. Determination of the range of logic, that is differentiating logic from non-logic (the logical system from the formal system) is a priority for philosophy of logic. In the paper a critical analysis is made of the different suggestions for a demarcation line for logic that Haack discusses. Next the main ideas of philosophy of logic are presented, as seen by Haack, with special focus on two theses: about revisionability of logic and about logical pluralism. These theses appear in the context of quest for the answer to the question about correctness of logic. Also the differentiation between extended logics and deviant logics is significant here. In the final part of the paper assumptions and consequences of theses proposed by Haack are searched for and a discussion is undertaken concerning the way of justifying the obligatory character of a logic.
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