A quantifier-less calculus of names with the rule of extensionality

  • Eugeniusz Wojciechowski Agriculture University of Cracow
Keywords: quantifier-less calculus of names, extensionality rule for the functor of singular inclusion, elementary ontology, Leśniewski’s systems


Ludwik Borkowski has constructed a quantifier-less calculus of names (BRN1), which is regarded as a base system here. The system can be extended with the use of the deductive power of rules of introduction and omission of functors π and σ (BRN2), which serve here as the substitutes of quantifiers. If we adopt the extensionality rule for the functor of singular inclusion (REε), we obtain yet another extending of the system (BRN3) accompanied by simultaneous considerable reduction of the primary rules. The interpretation of the last system in elementary ontology is included.

Author Biography

Eugeniusz Wojciechowski, Agriculture University of Cracow

Dr Eugeniusz Wojciechowski – Philosophy of Nature and Regional Culture History Division, Agriculture University of Cracow


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