The Alternative Versions of Evolution and the Problem of God’s Omnipotence
The author discusses the question whether an alternative version of cosmological and bio-logical evolution could have been actualized to eliminate negative phenomena specific for evolutionary processes in our universe. Specifically, one tries to answer whether the omnipotent God could have created quite different world with different logical principles and diverse laws of nature. Maybe such a world would be better than our universe regarded by Leibniz as the best of all possible universes.
In trying to solve this problem, one has to remember that the process of evolution co-directs the created world to Divine ideals, values, and purposes; it does not, however, destroy by a logic of necessity or by a determinism of events, which would limit the freedom of creation. It does not eliminate pain and it does not change suffering into joy; it only shows the deepest meaning of the struggles thanks to which biological pain manifests its creative role.
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