Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy of the Human Person as the Grounds to Defend Human Rights

  • Alfred M. Wierzbicki John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: human rights, person, subjectivity of the human being, autonomy, transcendence, truth, freedom


The teaching of John Paul II clearly articulates the strain of human rights. The Pope initiates a dialogue with the Enlightenment tradition and develops the theological and philosophical foundations of the culture of human rights. Karola Wojtyła’s personalistic thought appears to be a

very coherent and reliable key to understand the doctrine of human rights. Wojtyła stresses subjectivity and non-reducibility of the person as a concrete human „I.” It is both autonomy and transcendence that constitute dignity of the person towards other personal and impersonal beings.

Author Biography

Alfred M. Wierzbicki, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy

Rev. Dr Alfred M. Wierzbicki – Chair of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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