Modal Intuitions

  • Anna Brożek University of Warsaw
  • Jacek J. Jadacki University of Warsaw
Keywords: modalities, modalizators, nomological explication


The authors proposes a philosophical hinterland of nomological type for various conceptions of alethic modalities. Differences among these conceptions are explained by the fact, that modalizators can be relativized to various types of laws. Thus one can speak respectively about logic and definitional, ontical and physical, technical and dispositional, psychological and methodological, and finally deontic modalities. The authors shows that in their conceptual apparatus modal logics find intuitive interpretation more clear and ontologically more cautious than the semantics of possible worlds philosophically interpreted. The nomological explication of main notions of this semantics (like “possible world” and “accessibility relation”) is also given.

Author Biographies

Anna Brożek, University of Warsaw

Dr Anna Brożek – Department of Logical Semiotics, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw

Jacek J. Jadacki, University of Warsaw

Prof. Dr Jacek J. Jadacki – Department of Logical Semiotics, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw


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