The Origin of Some Systems of Temporal Logic
The article is devoted to the question of the origin of temporal logic. The aim of it is to answer to the question concerning the group of conditions and reasons of constructing such kinds of systems (especially of tense logic and G. H. von Wright’s temporal logic). As a result of conducted considerations, there is stated that there exist two reasons of arising some temporal systems. The first of them was the rebirth of interests of issues involving time in aspect of logic, the second (more essential) – insufficiency of the language of the classical logical calculus to give the formalization of tense clauses. In connection with this there was begun constructing temporal systems providing the linguistic and inferencional apparatus needed to control expressions and inferences containing such clauses. In the article there is also shown how there was led to formalize expressions including various tense clauses, and what follows, to introduce new functors to the language of logic.
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