St. Thomas Aquinas’ “Fifth Way” in J.M. Bochenski’s and P. Weingartner’s Formalizations
The present state of research reveals that basically Fr. J.M. Bochenski (1902-1995) left three versions of the formalizations of St. Thomas Aquinas’ fifth way. The first version comes from the article Die fünf Wege, published in 1989, and the third one, which is unauthorized, from the book Gottes Dasein und Wesen. Logische Studien zur Summa Theologiae I, qq. 2-11, published in Munich in 2003. These works are completed by the second version from two manuscripts of the book: one German (1989) and one Polish (1993).
The above mentioned texts have shown the contribution made by Fr. J.M. Bochenski into the realization of the intended application of the tools of contemporary logic in the field of philosophy of God as well as theology. One of the main followers of these ideas in Austria has been Paul Weingartner (born 1931). In 2010 he published God’s Existence? A Logical Commentary on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas, a book which makes direct references to J.M. Bochenski’s works, and like Bochenski’s work it is a logical commentary to certain fragments of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae.
Bocheński J.M.: Die fünf Wege, „Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologiae” 36 (1989), z. 3, s. 235-265.
Bocheński J.M.: Gottes Dasein und Wesen. Logische Studien zur Summa Theolgiae I, qq. 2-11, München: Philosophia Verlag 2003.
Bocheński J.M.: Gottes Dasein und Wesen. Mathematisch-logische Studien zur Summa Theolgiae I, qq. 2-13. Freiburg: 1989 (mps).
Bocheński J.M.: (Gottes Dasein und Wesen. Mathematisch-logische Studien zur Summa Theolgiae I, qq. 2-13). 1993, mps w języku polskim (brak strony tytułowej).
Bocheński J.M.: Między logiką a wiarą. Z J.I.M. Bocheńskim rozmawia Jan Parys, Warszawa: Noir sur Blanc 19984.
Bocheński J.M.: Pięć dróg, [w:] J.M. Bocheński, Logika i filozofia. Wybór pism, tł. J. Miziński, Warszawa: PWN 1993, s. 469-503.
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Bocheński J.M.: The Five Ways, [w:] The Rationality of Theism, red. A. Garcia de la Sienra, Amsterdam–Atlanta: Rodopi 2000, s. 61-92.
Bocheński J.M.: Wspomnienia, Kraków: Philed 1994.
Kenny A.: The Five Ways: St. Thomas Aquinas’ Proofs of God’s Existence. London: Routledge-Kegan Paul 1969.
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Weingartner P.: God’s Existence? A logical Commentary on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas, Frankfurt–Paris–Lancaster–New Brunswick: Ontos Verlag 2010.
Wolak Z.: Neotomizm a szkoła lwowsko-warszawska, Kraków: OBI 1993.
Woleński J.: Józef M. Bocheński i szkoła lwowsko-warszawska, [w:] Ojciec Józef Bocheński. Drogi życia i myślenia filozoficznego w stulecie urodzin Uczonego, red. Cz. Głombik, Katowice: Gnome 2004, s. 34-42.
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