Panentheism: In reference to the Views of Józef Życiński, Charles Hartshorne, and Other Representatives of “the Panentheistic Turn”
In this paper I try to present some main origins, varieties, motives and ideas of the philosophical and theological movement called “the panentheistic turn”. Particular attention is paid to the Ch. Hartshorne’s combinatorial analyses (based on “the law of polarity”) and to the J. Życiński’s conception of “the field of rationality”. I distinguish five forms or domains of the contemporary panentheism. The first of them—the linguistic one—uses the preposition in or spatial metaphors to express the relation between God and the world. The second—the (inter)cultural panentheism—is the result of searching for a common theology to many different religions. The third type—the Christian panentheism – interprets some main dogmas of Christian faith in the spirit of kenotic theology. At an end the ontological panentheism can be defined as the metaphysics (of God and world) emerged from the German idealism and the process philosophy. Its newest kind is the scientific panentheism based on the idea of emergence. After these distinctions I compare the ontological panentheism with the classical theism. In my opinion there are some irremovable differences between both options. I also defend the thesis that the main arguments given by the panentheists against the classical theism do not constitute the sufficient reasons to prefer their position.
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