Church and Evolution - Principles of Dialogue
Years ago Archbishop Prof. Józef Życiński put forward his own model of cognitive integration that takes into account the sacred, the beauty of nature, modern scientific discoveries as well as philosophical and theological theses. In this intellectual undertaking, bringing together in a single perspective poetic imagery and the Christian affirmation of nature, openness to new ideas of science and the quest for a new metaphysics, an important role was to be played by the Christian interpretation of Darwinism. The task still awaits realization. However, it seems that the Author’s death set in motion contrary tendencies. The article presents a brief overview of contemporary tensions between Darwinism and the Church in the context of the integration model proposed by Józef Życiński and signalizes these contrary trends. Outlining, as the title suggests, principles of dialogue, it points to modern man’s ambivalent attitude to cognition and nature as well as to the need to take into account the perspective of Fides et ratio, so vital in the teaching of Pope John Paul II, along with the so called criterion of “Christian rationality” that arises from it. Of help in this task may be further search for the truth about the world recorded in two books: the Book of Nature and the Book of Revelation as well as efforts to develop appropriate methodology of reading them.
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