Some Medieval Pre-Thomist Conceptions of the Relationship Obtaining between Philosophy and Theology: The Case Study of Saint Augustine’s Thought

  • Marian Kurdziałek
Keywords: St. Augustine; philosophy and theology; faith; reason; ethics


This article forms a part of Rev. Prof. Marian Kurdziałek’s lecture devoted to the pre-Thomist conceptions od philosophy-theology relationship. More precisely, this article is a reconstruction of the Prof. Kurdziałek ‘s discussion of the relevant ideas in St. Augustine’s thought. To begin with, Kurdziałek presents St. Augustine’s holistic understanding of philosophy and theology as essentially one and the same endeavor, a way leading to beatitude. He goes on to illustrate this thesis with a number of quotes, chiefly from Augustine’s philosophical dialogues, but also from his later writings. Kurdziałek then proceeds to discuss the place of ethical knowledge in Augustine’s theology and the relationship of cosmology and theology in thought of the bishop of Hippo. The lecture is concluded by a presentation of Augustine’s psychology, again conceived as a starting point of a spiritual itinerary, one of the ways ultimately leading to God.


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