Between Optimism and Pessimism of History: Jacques Maritain’s Conception of Historiosophic Realism

  • Piotr Wasyluk University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Institute of Philosophy
Keywords: philosophy of history; optimism; Maritain; historical laws; progress


The subject matter of the article is an idea of philosophy of history of J. Maritain, one of the most influential contemporary philosopher, inspired with Christian thought. In his interpretation of history, Jacques Maritain asks a question, if philosophy of history is possible and what is a genuine philosophy of history. French philosopher comes to believe that philosophical reflection upon history is important part of philosophy itself, but should be understand as practical philosophy. Also Maritain distances himself from historiosophical pessimism and catastrophe theories as well as naive optimism. He believe in progress, but as a personalist, he finds it as a synthesis of subjective and objective frames of human life. In his opinion, true progress is possible but it depends on human and personal activity.


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