Communication: Nature and Culture
The paper concerns the inseparable, in my opinion, connection between communication and the philosophy of nature. Studies on communication, which are growing expansively, neglect, to a bigger or lesser degree, its biological dimension. Instead, they focus on the cultural, sociological, and political aspects. Furthermore, philosophers are relatively rarely concerned with communication, since they treat it, not without good reasons, as one of many cognitive processes. Problems of communication are almost entirely non-existent in the philosophy of nature, too. Admittedly, the situation is slowly changing. More and more scholars and philosophers recognizing that in the research practice the problems of philosophy and science are intertwined notice the relevance of the issues of communication and communicating. However, the research on communication is still dominated by humanists, who either neglect or completely ignore its biological component.
In the article I try to show that communication is an ideal object of common research for scientists and humanists, as well as philosophers and philosophers of nature. Communication is an ontologically complex being containing the biological and cultural component. Omitting either of these components leads to a one-sided, and thus false, view on communication.
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