The Last Book by Józef Turek
The paper brings a concise analysis of the content contained in the book. Considerations concern the metascientific theory of philosophical cosmology, especially the relations between natural sciences and the so called classical philosophy of nature. Procedures of philosophical interpretation of scientific facts are postulated to ensure methodological and epistemological correctness of all philosophical theses. Basic operations in this branch of philosophy include conceptualization, defining, inferring especially in the form of explaining and justifying. Such cognitive operations constitute the whole process of interpretation, insists Joseph Turek.
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Lemańska A.: [rec.: J. Turek, Filozoficzne interpretacje faktów naukowych, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009], „Studia Philosophiae Christianae” 45 (2009), z. 2, s. 295-300.
Turek J.: Filozoficzne interpretacje faktów naukowych, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009.
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