Name Negation versus Indefiniteness and Vagueness of Concepts
The author refers to the construction that includes two types of negation – external (~) and internal (). When we consider an object belonging to a given universe and a given set of predicates, some of them belong to it, and others do not. There may also be such predicates about which it cannot be sensibly stated that they belong to the object – and this is the third case (vagueness) that can be explained by such a construction. It is a non-classical theory of predication. In the classical theory of predication (whose standard realization is the classical predicate calculus) we only have one negation operator (external negation).
The idea may be transferred to the calculus of names. In the article a certain broadening of elementary ontology is suggested, where analogous distinctions among predication operators and name negation allow (from the meta-linguistic perspective) perceiving the phenomenon of indefiniteness (vagueness) of names in a new light.
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